ASCRS’ John Ciccone disavows offensive videos

07-21-2009 The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) held its convention earlier this year in San Francisco.  At the convention LASIK surgeons performed skits making fun of damaged and suicidal LASIK patients. One skit poked fun at patients who complain of halos and glare after refractive surgery.  The skits were published on YouTube by Parag Majmudar.  One […]

Open Letter to Director Timothy Ulatowski

Open Letter to Director Timothy Ulatowski Posted 7/13/2009 June 27, 2009 Timothy A. Ulatowski, Director Office of Compliance Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health 9200 Corporate Blvd. Rockville, MD 20850 Dear Mr. Ulatowski, The recent FDA warning to consumers regarding Zicam cold products emphasized the seriousness of loss of smell and […]